Daily Thoughts
Off and on throughout the year I have to bring this subject up a bit. It has to do with how you Introduce yourself when contacting me.
You can easily win favor or lose my attention with the words you write to me. If your a business man you know that the first few seconds
in business and meeting someone forms your opinion. So I would suggest you dont simply send me a quick email that says : HI
this is inappropriate. Your words should show me that you are eager to please and make me happy, if I am to choose you to serve me.
Also for some men that contact me they claim they are a sub.. but suddenly they are wanting to control me and my decisions. This is the
fastest way to lose my attention.
If your not eager to serve and do what I require to make me happy, your not the submissive pay pet to serve me.
So here are a few simple tips to help you get on good footing with me.
1. I dont want to hear you say I turn you on... you are to be respectful when contacting me.
2. I am NOT a prostitute . I will NEVER have sex with you.. and you will never be worthy of that position.
3. I am not a young 20 year old Financial Domme that is new to the scene and inexperienced. Im a grown
woman that is mature, and I do not tolerate whining little boys.
4. If your not of legal age....do not contact me.
5. Ask me how I wish for you to address me. I do not allow you to address me at the start except for Ma'am or Domina Dominique
You have not earned the right to call me Mistress or Goddess.
6. Do not use slang words or shortened words (this shows me your in a hurry or raised in the getto.. and I do not allow getto to serve me)
7. I am a Distance Domme/ Online Domme. If you wish to serve me in Realtime you have to earn the priveledge and that means months of service showing your worthy to serve me in Realtime.
8. I do not put up with Time Wasters or men or women playing games sending emails when they truly arent wishing to serve.. I will quickly cease conversation ( I know your IP, and if I find your playing games..I will place you on a List that goes out to all Dommes to not have contact with you or the IP your contacting me or them from)
9. I am not here to entertain you 24/7 so that means if I call you and you have my cell.. you do not call me unless you have permission or you will be banned.
10. Never lie to me.. you get no chance to redeem yourself.
I hope this will help you in your desire to serve me as far as my rules.
BBW Domina Dominique
How to Properly Introduce Yourself (Sample)
Good Morning or Good Evening
I am a ___ year old single/married male living in city/state
I found you on your blog/website/you tube
I am interested in being Financially Dominated
I have a foot/breast/bbw/shoe fetish
I would like to request you consider me to serve you and would
like to offer my initial tribute of $________
I am new to Financial Domination or I have participated in Financial Domination or I am curious about Financial Domination (your choice)
I request permission to send my tribute and what form in which I should send it.
your name/submissive name
Do not contact me on Yahoo Messenger if your not serving me.. contact me by email to request to serve me
I will not respond to you Messenger Chat.
Financial Domination is true fetish. Some in BDSM that do not understand the mind have misconceptions about this
fetish .. but regardless it is a CONSENSUAL Fetish. I is NOT a Scam nor is it Illegal.
You are a human being.. you have a fetish.. and there is nothing wrong with it.
Ive had many in Law Enforcement and working for the Government serving me.. I will not shun you.
This is a special position for a man that has a shoe and foot fetish. That has great taste and is not cheap.
So tired of my old shoes. Ive been looking at some gorgeous shoes lately and Im also looking for a shoe bitch that
can send me his hard earned $ so I can buy new shoes to tease and taunt him with.
You can go to my wishlist and buy me a pair that I have listed or you can send me and E Gift Card Online to Amazon or
better than that send me a *Green *Dot *Reloadable *Money *Pak and I will buy them myself (my preference)
This is a 3 wheel scooter. The best price for one is about $2k. I just love it. Since I live on the beach this is great to get around in and is cheap on gas.
Im looking for a boy toy that will help fund my new ride. Would love you to spoil me ! Directly on the left of my site you will see my email .. click there to contact me.
Ive noticed recently a surge of men who love facesitting. More ample woman that are considered BBW's are offering this for sessions, and Im greatly considering it myself. Bodacious Magazine calls it a phenomenon but you must understand as they say .. its origin.
Renowned Artist, Namio Harukawa has depicted facesitting in early drawings.
For a man to enjoy facesitting .. the facesitter needs to be voluptous .. the larger the female the better. The man is enveloped by the womans thighs and private areas. The most popular is the woman facing a mans feet and enveloping with her large behind.
Facesitting usually calls for the buttocks covering the mouth.. allowing the man to experience the womans true essence.
Its very invigorating many men claim, as they are pinned downed and struggle to escape her control.. and this helps to drain away stress believe it or not.
If facesitting is not done properly.. you could injure someone. So you must understand that when you cut off someones oxygen.. they could die.
So the facesitter must raise up to allow the man to get air or he must lift her bottom when he cannot handle more and use a safe word. There are other
signals that can be given.. a bite on the back of the thigh or tap.
You must understand the persons limitations.. and this can and will be an exciting experience.
This is the height of eroticism for the female doing the facesitting. So go ahead allow your Goddess to be your living throne.
Are you ready to be taken on erotic journey into the deepest areas of your mind? Your more powerful erogenous
zone is your mind believe it or not. Fall into a trance like state listening to my voice.. relaxing..... and becoming aroused.
Discover more about you and explore your sexuality with hynptherapy.
Give your mind to me.... be my slut..... be anything your mind wants to be. Lose your inhibitions and gain sexual confidence
Come explore with me.... and enjoy Recorded Hypnosis you can listen to over and over $50 for 10 minutes, $100 for 20 minutes
Go to the left of my website and click on the Email to contact me.